The Project
Viator-e is focused in the study, digitisation and analysis of the roads of the Roman Western Empire.
Research & Digitalisation
Viator-e will provide the most up to date information about Roman roads paths. The aim of this project is to compile and offer the whole Roman road network of the Western provinces.
Itiner-e. The online map
Viator-e will be the provider of all the digitised road data to create an outstanding online visualiser. Itiner-e is the perfect platform to upload, store and disseminate information about Roman roads.
Linked Data
Viator-e has been conceived as a community project where any researcher can share their data to create the most complete and updated database about Roman roads.
Number of digitised roads
Kms digitised
Provinces studied
Projects involved
Project Dissemination
Here you can find a short summary of the dissemination activities related to Viator-e (2019-2022)